1. Purpose of processing personal information.
When the customer subscribes to the site, the "Agreed" button for the terms and conditions of membe
rship, personal information collection, and use of the website. There is a procedure to click, and if you c
lick the "Agreed" button, you will be considered to have agreed to collect and use personal information
. The Korea Smart Grid Association processes personal information for the following purposes and doe
s not use it for purposes other than the following purposes.
- Identification of customer subscription intention and identification of identity according to service pr
ovision to customers. Certification, maintenance of membership.Management, service use and counse
ling, delivery of announcements, Payment of amount according to service supply, service supply, finan
cial product linkage service, etc. The company can cancel and delete at any time by providing a cancell
ation or withdrawal function for the collection and use of individuals who have already agreed. We're p
roviding it. If the consent to collect and use is withdrawn, the service is not available.
2. Processing and retention period of personal information.
When collecting personal information from the data subject, Korea Smart Grid processes and holds per
sonal information within the personal information retention and usage period agreed upon or within t
he period of use according to laws and regulations. Customer's personal information will be destroyed
without delay if the purpose of collection and use, such as withdrawal of membership, is achieved or if
there is a request for withdrawal of consent. However, if it is necessary to hold it for a certain period of
time due to the confirmation of the transaction-related rights and obligations relationship under the re
levant laws and regulations such as the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., it shall be h
eld during that period.
A. Article 6 of the Consumer Protection Act in Electronic Commerce, etc.Records of withdrawal of a con
tract or subscription: 5 years. Records of payment and supply of goods, etc.: 5 years. Records of consu
mer complaints or disputes: 3 years
B. Article 15 of the Communications Secret Protection Act. Records of visits (logs): 1 year
C. Other related laws, etc. The company's personal information destruction method is as follows.
A. The process of destroying it.
① Information entered for membership registration, etc., will be transferred to a separate DB after t
he purpose is achieved and stored for a certain period of time under internal policies and other rel
ated laws and regulations before being destroyed.
② This personal information is not used for purposes other than holding it unless it is in accordance
with the law.